DHCP File Generation


DHCP File Generation


The LINUX DHCP Service is used to provide DHCP functionality on the sipXecs server.

Files of interest:

/etc/dhcpd.conf                    (DHCP server configuration file)
/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases   (contains list of allocated dynamic IP addresses)

Commands of interest:

service dhcpd start         (start the DHCP service)
chkconfig dhcpd on        (ensure the DHCP service auto-starts on a reboot)
man dhcp-options          (information on available DHCP options)

Generation of sipXecs DHCP files

The initial installation of sipXecs creates the dhcpd.conf file. This will allocate dynamic IP addresses across the whole sub-net range; if a smaller range of dynamic IP addresses is desired this file can be edited and changed.

GUI Configuration of DHCP

Webmin provides a comprehensive DHCP configuration system that eases DHCP administration.