Configure iptables
SIP conntrack/NAT extension
The SIP conntrack/NAT extension supports the connection tracking/NATing of the data streams requested on the dynamic RTP/RTCP ports of a SIP session, as well as mangling of SIP requests/responses.
SIP conntrack/NAT extension for netfilter/iptables is currently available from netfilter patch-o-matic.
SIP conntrack/NAT extension is available in the mainstream kernel as of 2.6.18.
Documentation is available here.
- Perform a backup of your current kernel, kernel sources and .config
- Download iptables snapshot from
- Download patch-o-matic snapshot from
- Unpack iptables snapshot
- Unpack patch-o-matic-ng snapshot
- Create symlink for iptables and patch-o-matic-ng
- cd into patch-o-matic-ng directory
- Apply patch to kernel sources (./runme sip-conntrack-nat)
- Enable module (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_SIP=y and CONFIG_IP_NF_SIP=y or "Device drivers, Networking support, Networking options, Network packet filtering, IP: Netfilter configuration, SIP support)
- Build new kernel (make && make modules_install)
- Reboot
- Load SIP conntrack and NAT module (modprobe ip_conntrack_sip ip_nat_sip)
- Add rule for SIP signalling traffic (usually port 5060)
Using SIP conntrack/NAT
Load the modules
modprobe ip_conntrack_sip ip_nat_sip
Note: ip_conntrack_sip allows up to 8 SIP ports, separated by commas
modprobe ip_conntrack_sip ports=5060
Set IPtables filter rules
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
Set IPtables NAT rules
iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source ip.add.dr.ess
Testing iptables
IPTState is a top-like display of IPtables state table entries.
- IPTState project page
- IPTState Freshmeat page
- IPtables conntrack news announcement
conntrack is a commandline program for listing, querying, deleting, updating entries in the connection tracking table. It also supports real-time tracing of connection tracking state changes (conntrack events).Use case 1: host-based firewall for sipX mediaserver
The module has been successfully tested on a host running sipX mediaserver. After call setup, both udp ports are set up and kept alive until 30 seconds after call termination.