DHCP Configuration Required by Phones
DHCP Configuration Required for Phones to find the Boot Server
In order for the phone to recognize the sipX server as its boot server at startup, your DHCP server needs to provide additional necessary information to the phone as it obtains an IP address. By default the phone is configured to look for the DHCP option _Boot Server Host Name_ to obtain the IP address or host name of the _(T)FTP_ server that is configured to provide the configuration information.
*Using a Windows DHCP server:* The _Boot Server Host Name_ parameter is the variable with the number _66_ (Option 66) in the DHCP _Scope Options_ settings.
*Using a Linux DHCP server:* Add the following line to your [DHCP server config file|xecsuserV4r2:HowTo_Configure_DHCP_and_DNS_Servers#Configuring_the_DHCP_Server]:
option tftp-server-name "your sipxpbx hostname";
During installation of the sipX server, both an _FTP_ and _TFTP_ service option is automatically configured and enabled, where both can coexist at the same time. The Polycom phones by default try to contact an FTP server and we therefore recommend this option for use with Polycom phones.
For more information on using FTP w/polycom see [xecsuserV4r2:Setting up Polycom to use FTP] page.
*Note:* If it is not possible to change the configuration of your local DHCP server, the phone can be configured manually with a (T)FTP server IP address or host name (see below)
SNOM Phones
SNOM phones use HTTP to obtain their configuration profile at startup. Refer to the [SNOM Configuration page|xecsuserV4r2:http__--sipx-wiki.calivia.com-index.php-HowTo_configure_SNOM_SIP_phone_with_sipX#Network_Configuration_before_you_start] for additional information.