Screen Shots


Screen Shots

You'll find more screen shots throughout this wiki, but here are some highlights.

Login Page

sipXecs has a powerful 
GUI for administering the
Communications Server.

The configuration service
allows the administrator
to not have to spend
time trying to interpret

Home Page

Provides quick access
to adding/modifying
existing users as well
as the ability to quickly
provision a phone.

Add User

The ability to quickly
add users to the system
is shown here.

Once the user is added
the administrator can
click on the userid and
configure many more 
options such as their
call forwarding, unified
settings and instant
messaging settings to
name a few.

Phone Management

Over 90 types of phones
can be managed directly
by the PBX. Many other
types of SIP phones may
used but must be
manually configured.

No more fumbling 
through individual phone

Conference Bridge

A full featured conference
bridge comes installed
on the phone system.

The number of
conferences that can 
happen simultaneously
is simply a function of
how fast the processing
speed of your PBX is.

Auto Attendant

Configuring an auto
attendant is a simple
matter with sipXecs.

Have as many auto
attendants as you'd like!

Hunt Groups

Hunt groups are another
easy feature to configure.

Like Auto Attendants, 
create as many as you'd
like with as many
members as you'd like.

Instant Messaging

sipXecs comes with 
OpenFire XMPP instant
messaging server
integrated right in.

Keep your instant
messaging in-house
while also allowing
federation to other
external XMPP services
(such as Google Talk).

Backup / Restore

Automated backup to
local, FTP and e-mail
makes sure that you are
never left without a
system configuration.

Alarm Services

System monitoring and
alerting are important
features of any 
Enterprise level solution.
sipXecs meets the needs
of all sized organizations.

Integrated 911 alerting 
via e-mail and SMS
is a key system feature.

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