Version Numbers


Version Numbers

sipXecs Version 14.04 and later

The version numbering and release cycle following 4.6 has shifted to a date based release number in an effort to have predictable feature release dates.

This numbering scheme is similar to Ubuntu and utilizes the last two digits of the year followed by the month of the release.

Feature releases will occur in April and October.

April 2014 release will be numbered 14.04.

October 2014 release will be numbered 14.10.

April 2015 release will be numbered 15.04.


Bug fix releases will not be regularly scheduled but instead occur 'as needed' to address bugs that can not wait for feature releases.  These will be numbered sequentially.  The first bug fix release for 14.04 will be 14.04.1.  The second bug fix release for 14.04 will be 14.04.2, etc.

Product Management reserves the right to add Web type functionality to web applications (non-core communications features) in bug fixes.  It's important to be timely with new web functionality.

sipXecs Version 4.6 and earlier

sipXecs follows a Version numbering scheme similar to the Linux kernel and many other open source projects. Within a Version, there may be several Releases within the life of a given Version

Open Issue: defining a Release numbering strategy – see bug: xxxx (already filed – placeholder)

There are three levels to the numbering scheme, with one additional number for the build; the pattern is:


where each word above is replaced by a number

  • [0.0.]
    Double zeros signify a nightly snapshot build.  This is for testing purposed only.  It's not secure build.  NOTE: Double zeroes in version ensure a more stable version could not automatically update to a more unstable version without a explict command to "downgrade" the system.
  • [0.]
    A single zero milestone build. You can use this build safely and bug fixes will be back-ported to this version.  Only caveat is that it has a short end-of-life and that will be until the next milestone release is made.  Eventually milestones release will result in a full release, then you do not have update thru each milestone release.
  • major
    is incremented when a release adds some very important new capability.
  • minor
    is incremented when other new features are added, but also indicates the stability of the release:
    • An even minor number is intended to be a stable build suitable for general production use
    • An odd minor number is a development build on the way to the next stable release. Builds with odd minor numbers may or may not be usable by anyone but developers, and upgrading to and from them is not supported (they might work, but don't complain if they don't).
  • fix
    is incremented in stable builds when a set of bug fixes (or non-bug minor improvements) are released, and roughly monthly for developer builds.
  • build
    is a version number derived from the source control system. For functional purposes with released builds, it's sufficient to ignore this; it is really for developer use, so when discussing released software, it's sufficient to use just the first three numbers.

Current releases: sipXecs Download