2.1. Branches


2.1. Branches



Branches are large divisions of an enterprise, such as separate companies or offices which are belonging to the overall organization. These could be geographically separate. Each branch should correspond to a physical location.

In the sipXecs phone system, branch names need to be defined in order to be able to route calls correctly between the different geographically separate locations. Each of these locations might have a different network setup or separate gateways to telephone companies and it is necessary to define branches as the first important step for the overall system.

Branches are defined in the System menu, Branches option.



Click on the Add Branch link to add a new branch. You can editing existing branches by clicking on their name.

Editing a branch allows to input a name, description and a default time zone.

Many other options, such as Users, or routing of calls through gateways, depend on branches, so this is an important first step. 






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