Installing on Fedora and CentOS


Installing on Fedora and CentOS

General Notes

sipXecs should be installed on servers with only a single network adapter.

64 bit builds are recommended.


1. Option 1: Install with OS from DVD/ISO

    1. Download 14.10 from http://download.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipXecs/ISO/ and burn to DVD and follow installation instructions
    2. After installation, run yum update to get the latest fixes.

2. Option 2: Install after OS via yum

    1. Install Fedora 19 or CentOS 6.6 minimal install.
    2. Only minimum installation is necessary, in fact this is preferred. All packages sipXecs needs will be installed automatically
    3. Be sure to run yum update after installing your OS and before installing sipXecs to ensure the latest RPMs are install but also avoid conflict errors when new packages are getting installed.
    4. CentOS 6 is the preferred distribution because has received the most testing coverage.
    5. 64 bit version of the distribution as it's preferred by MongoDB: the embedded distributed database package.
      NOTES - On CentOS
      1. Minimal install - be sure to click on "Network Connectivity" button on same screen where you assign the host name.  If you don't - you will have to manually configure your Ethernet Interface file!
      2. On first boot - you may need to edit your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/YourNICCard   Change ONBOOT="no" to ONBOOT="yes"

      3. Yum install wget to install the wget program required to download your RPM files. 

3. Increase Max Number of ulimit open files and max user processes for MongoDB

    1. edit /etc/sysctl.conf to add fs.file-max = 65536 line
    2. edit /etc/security/limits.conf to add the following block of text:
*          soft     nproc          65535
*          hard     nproc          65535
*          soft     nofile         65535
*          hard     nofile         65535

c. reboot

4. Add the repo file

wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d http://download.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipXecs/14.10/sipxecs-14.10.0-centos.repo

5. Install sipxecs

yum install sipxecs

6. Run setup and answer basic questions.


7. After couple of minutes the administration web interface should be available at


At this point, you may want to consider reading the page on Installing from CD and skip to section that start with logging into administration user interface.