Multiple Time Zones


Multiple Time Zones


In 4.6.0 update 6 we introduced the possibility to select the time zone a user is in. This is useful if you have users spread around the globe. The user's time zone will be set from branch, user group, and user itself. The user will be able to change his own time zone. CDRs, voicemail timestamps (also prompts) and schedules will follow the user time zone.

Setting the user's time zone

An admin will be able to set a user's time zone by assigning the user to a branch that has a time zone set. From the branch page, an admin will be able to set the time zone that branch is in.

Also, an admin will be able to set the user's time zone from user group level, and from the user itself. Also the user will be able to set his time zone if he wants, for instance if he travels and wants to have the CDRs in the new time zone.


User's CDRs' timestamps (visible from user portal) will be displayed in the user's time zone. For instance if you receive a call at 10AM GMT, and you set your time zone to be GMT+2, you will see that call has taken place at 12PM GMT+2.

NOTE: In admin portal CDRs' timestamp are in the system time zone.

There is a known issue in 4.6.0 update 6 - CDRs' timestamps in admin portal are in UTC, instead of system timezone. This issue is addressed in 4.6.0 update 7.


Voicemail timestamp is displayed in the user time zone. Also the voicemail prompt will follow the user time zone.


Schedules also will follow the user's time zone. For instance I have a schedule : Working hours -> 9am 5pm , weekdays on GMT + 5. Outside this schedule if I receive a call, it will be redirected to voicemail. Now I travel for a longer period, say 4 weeks, to GMT - 5. If I adjust the time zone, which I will likely do, my working hours will still be 9 to 5, but in the new time zone. In my original time zone this will turn into 7PM - 3AM. Whoever will call me at 3PM in the original time zone will be redirected to my voicemail since for me it is 5 am, so I am most likely sleeping.