Network trace capture tool


Network trace capture tool

sipXecs 4.6.0

sipXecs has Homer integrated.  Homer captures all SIP traffic all the time.

With the inclusion of Homer, sipx-trace has been depreciated.

To access Homer, login to sipXecs as an administrator, click on Diagnostics an select SIP Capture.  On the SIP Capture page, the web interface is accessible from a hyperlink in the upper right of the page.  Login to Homer with an administrator privileged account by default.

sipXecs Version 4.4.0 & earlier

"sipx-network-trace" is a easy to use, command line based diagnosis tool. It captures network traffic into trace files and those trace files can be reviewed later with any pcap parsing tool, such as wireshark.

  • Synopsis  

       sipx-network-trace [xecsuserV4r2:-i <interface>] [xecsuserV4r2:-f <output file>] [xecsuserV4r2:-s <file size x 1,000,000 bytes>] [xecsuserV4r2:-r <number of files>] [xecsuserV4r2:-t <seconds to run>] start|stop|status 

  • Parameters

  •        -i <interface>  
    Interface name such as eth0, eth1 on which the tool is listening. The tool listens on all the interfaces if the interface is not defined.
  •        -f <output file> 
    The output file name. "net-trace-<time stamp>.pcap" is the default name if not defined. Among it,  <time stamp> is formatted as "[xecsuserV4r2:second][xecsuserV4r2:minute][xecsuserV4r2:hour]-[xecsuserV4r2:day][xecsuserV4r2:month][xecsuserV4r2:year]" according to when the file is generated. For example, net-trace-503209-070610.pcap represents a trace file which is created at 09:32:05 on June 7, 2010. according to time zone defined in /etc/localtime. The output file(s) are always created in directory "<INSTALL DIR>/var/log/sipxpbx/trace".
  •       -s  <file size> 

Maximum size of each output file with a unit of 1,000,000 bytes. For example, "-s 2" means the each output file size is up to 2M bytes (Notes that it's 2000,000, not 2 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).

  •        -r <number of files>  

The output could be split into multiple files. By default it's 1.For example, "-r 3" instructs the tool to create 3 files with each file's name defined as" <output file> + <index number which starts from 0>". If the <output file> parameter is "mypcap", then mypcap0, mypcap1 and mypcap2" are created.This parameter is used  in  conjunction with the -s option, this will limit the number of files created to the specified number, and begin over-writing files from the beginning, thus creating a "rotating" buffer.  In addition, it will name the files with enough  leading 0s to support the maximum number of files, allowing them to sort correctly 

  • -t <seconds to run>

Define the period for the tool to run. 

  •      start|stop|status

Start the tool , stop the tool  or report the tool running status respectively.