How to configure Phone Directory


How to configure Phone Directory

Configuration of Phone Directory


Starting with release 3.8 sipXconfig supports generating phone books directories that are automatically configured on the user's phones during provisioning. This allows centralized management of directories while preserving the flexibility to create different directories per department, user group, or even individual users.

Directories include internal contacts as well as external contacts. Internal contacts are mapped into a directory by specifying groups of users that need to be included into a certain directory. Groups can specifically be created for the purpose of populating directories, or already existing user groups can be used. External users can be included by uploading a list of contacts from a spreadsheet (CSV file).

Once created, a directory is then assigned to a group of users to be projected onto their phones. Again, user groups can be specifically created for this purpose or already existing groups can be used. A group can consist of only one user if an individual directory needs to be created.

Note: A generic model was created in Config Server (sipXconfig) to manage directory information. The phone needs to implement this model into its plugin in order to be able to pick-up and display the directory information. In addition, of course, the phone has to be able to hold directory information. Currently there are plugins for Aastra, Ipdialog, LG-Nortel, Polycom and Snom phones. Implementing it for other phones is fairly simple.


Directories are created in ConfigServer. Go to Features / Phonebooks to manage your directories.