Call Detail Records Web Service


Call Detail Records Web Service


Sipx CDR Log is a RESTLET plugin which provides a resource whereby one can obtain the
Call Logs for a particular user. Records are sorted by start date in descending

It is bundled as a jar file and is loaded by the sipXrest container on initialization. It is invoked by HTTP GET to a specific URL.

The CDR Log consults etc/sipxpbx/validusers.xml to authenticate users and map user aliases to user names.

The general form of the URL is

https://host:6666/cdr/user?fromdate=yyyymmdd&limit=<max # of records to return>

Optional URL parameters:

fromdate - start date from which call records will be retrieved.
limit - maximum number of call log records to return.


Using curl, you would initiate a query for the specified user calling records

curl -k --digest -X GET -u 200:123

It returns first five calling records for user 200. The call is secured and DIGEST authentication is applied

Sample response as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
            <caller_aor>"200" &lt;sip:200@domain.com&gt;</caller_aor>
            <start_time>2011-01-16 09:08:57.713</start_time>
            <duration>0 years 0 mons -2 days -23 hours -59 mins -35.811 secs</duration>
            <caller_aor>"Alejandro 201" &lt;sip:501@domain.com&gt;</caller_aor>
            <callee_aor>"Buddy 200" &lt;sip:200@external200201.com&gt;</callee_aor>  
            <start_time>2011-01-15 14:14:11.853</start_time>
            <duration>0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 4.231 secs</duration>
            <caller_aor>"200" &lt;sip:200@domain.com&gt;</caller_aor>
            <start_time>2011-01-13 09:08:57.713</start_time>
            <duration>0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 24.189 secs</duration>
            <start_time>2011-01-13 09:08:08.724</start_time>
            <duration>0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 1 mins 28.431 secs</duration>
            <caller_aor>"200" &lt;sip:200@domain.com&gt;</caller_aor>
            <start_time>2011-01-13 09:06:15.806</start_time>
            <duration>0 years 0 mons 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 31.454 secs</duration>