Adding New Services in sipXconfig


Adding New Services in sipXconfig

sipXconfig used the RESTlet API to add RESTful services

Please note, due to a bug in RESTlet, it requires HTTP PUT request must have a body. You can add space, or anything to the body
to workaround it.

Service design

  • Identify resouces and design the resource structure
  • Determine which operations (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) will be available for which resources
  • Map resources into URI structure
  • Determine representation for each resource (specific format XML/JSON)

Service implementation

  • Implement resources
  • Each resource is an instance of restlet Resource class. Every RESTful function is mapped into one or more Resource methods. For example GET method is implemented by Resource.represent
  • Resource instances are managed by Spring. You can inject any context or manager that is necessary to perform service operations. For example phonebook service delegates bulk of the work to PhonebookManager.
  • Write unit test for resource and representation
  • Use mock objects to verify if injected managers' are used in expected way (for example does _POST really calls _save'' method with expected parameters?).
  • For resources verify XML/JSON representation generation and parsing.
  • Implement representations
  • sipXconfig services intended to be used pragmatically should at the minimum support XML and JSON representations. Read-only services marshal sipXconfig domain objects into representation.
  • Write service system tests
  • Those are external tests written in Java/Ruby/Python that excersise the service. They are similar to UI tests.