Patton 4524 (4 FXO, 4 FXS)


Patton 4524 (4 FXO, 4 FXS)

This configuration is for a Patton Smartnode running with sipXecs utilizing SRV records.


IP.ADDR.OF.DNS - The IP address of your DNS server
IP.ADDR.OF.NTP - The IP address of your NTP server
GW.SIP.DOMAIN - The FQDN of your gateway
IP.ADDR.OF.GW - The Ethernet IP Address of your gateway
SUB.NET.MASK.GW - The Subnet Mask of the gateway
IP.ADDR.OF.DEFGW - The IP address of the network default IP gateway
SIP.DOMAIN - The SIP Domain setup in your SRV records
EXT1 - The first extension or alias to route inbound calls to during the day
EXT2 - The second extension or alias to route inbound calls to during the day
EXT3 - The third extension or alias to route inbound calls to during the day
EXT4 - The fourth extension or alias to route inbound calls to during the day


Hunt1 - The Hunt1 hunt group determins the ring order of incoming calls
IF-INBOUND1 - The first SIP address to Ring
IF-INBOUND2 - The second SIP address to Ring
IF-INBOUND3 - The third SIP address to Ring
IF-INBOUND4 - The fourth SIP address to Ring
RT_DATE - Routing table for Day of Week

#                                                                #
# SN4524/JO/EUI                                                  #
# R3.21 2007-03-23 H323 SIP FXS FXO                              #
# 2007-06-05T14:20:55                                            #
# Generated configuration file                                   #
#                                                                #

cli version 3.20
clock local offset -04:00
dns-client server IP.ADDR.OF.DNS
webserver port 80 language en
snmp community public ro
sntp-client server primary IP.ADDR.OF.NTP port 123 version 4
sntp-client poll-interval 36000
sntp-client local-clock-offset
system hostname GW.SIP.DOMAIN


ic voice 0
low-bitrate-codec g729

profile napt NAPT

profile ppp default

profile call-progress-tone US_Dialtone
play 1 0 350 -13 440 -13

profile call-progress-tone US_Alertingtone
play 1 2000 440 -19 480 -19
pause 2 4000

profile call-progress-tone US_Busytone
play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24
pause 2 500

profile tone-set default

profile tone-set US
map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_Dialtone
map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_Alertingtone
map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_Busytone
map call-progress-tone release-tone US_Busytone
map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_Busytone

profile voip default
codec 1 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 2 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20

profile pstn default

profile sip default

profile aaa default
method 1 local
method 2 none

context ip router

interface eth0
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router

context cs switch
digit-collection timeout 3

routing-table called-e164 TAB-OUT
route .%T dest-interface IF-SIP

# Outbound call Routing table.  Pick FXO's in reverse order to elminate glare.
routing-table called-e164 TAB-IN
route ...%T dest-service FXOHUNT

# Route inbound calls based on day of week.
# If calls some in on Saturday or Sunday route to MAP_WEEKEND.
routing-table day-of-week RT_DATE
route saturday dest-interface IF-SIP1 MAP_WEEKEND
route sunday dest-interface IF-SIP1 MAP_WEEKEND
route default dest-table RT_TOD

# Route inbound calls based on time of day.
# If calls come in between 07:30 and 15:30 route to HUNT1
# Else, route to MAP_WEEKEND
routing-table time RT_TOD
route default dest-interface IF-SIP1 MAP_WEEKEND
route 07:30:00-15:30:00 dest-service HUNT1

# Route calls to extension 100@SIP.DOMAIN
mapping-table time to called-e164 MAP_WEEKEND
map default to 100

interface sip IF-SIP
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN

interface sip IF-SIP1
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN

interface sip IF-INBOUND1
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN
address-translation outgoing-call to-header user-part fix EXT1 host-part fix SIP.DOMAIN

interface sip IF-INBOUND2
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN
address-translation outgoing-call to-header user-part fix EXT2 host-part fix SIP.DOMAIN

interface sip IF-INBOUND3
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN
address-translation outgoing-call to-header user-part fix EXT3 host-part fix SIP.DOMAIN

interface sip IF-INBOUND4
bind gateway GW-SIP
service default
route call dest-table TAB-IN
address-translation outgoing-call to-header user-part fix EXT4 host-part fix SIP.DOMAIN

interface fxo PSTN
disconnect-signal loop-break
use profile tone-set US

# Route inbound call to RT_DATE
interface fxo IF_FXO0
route call dest-table RT_DATE
disconnect-signal busy-tone
dial-after timeout 2
use profile tone-set US

# Route inbound call to RT_DATE
interface fxo IF_FXO1
route call dest-table RT_DATE
disconnect-signal busy-tone
dial-after timeout 2
use profile tone-set US

# Route inbound call to RT_DATE
interface fxo IF_FXO2
route call dest-table RT_DATE
disconnect-signal busy-tone
dial-after timeout 2
use profile tone-set US

# Route inbound call to RT_DATE
interface fxo IF_FXO3
route call dest-table RT_DATE
disconnect-signal busy-tone
dial-after timeout 2
use profile tone-set US

# Outbound call routing.  Interface IF_FXO3 is left out in this example.
service hunt-group FXOHUNT
drop-cause normal-unspecified
drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available
drop-cause network-out-of-order
drop-cause temporary-failure
drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion
drop-cause access-info-discarded
drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available
drop-cause resources-unavailable
drop-cause user-busy
drop-cause destination-out-of-order
route call 1 dest-interface IF_FXO2
route call 2 dest-interface IF_FXO1
route call 3 dest-interface IF_FXO0

service distribution-group HUNT1
timeout 10
min-concurrent 1
route call 1 dest-interface IF-INBOUND1
route call 2 dest-interface IF-INBOUND2
route call 3 dest-interface IF-INBOUND3
route call 4 dest-interface IF-INBOUND4

context cs switch
no shutdown

gateway sip GW-SIP
bind interface eth0 router

service default

gateway sip GW-SIP
no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
medium auto
encapsulation ip
bind interface eth0 router
no shutdown

port ethernet 0 1
medium 10 half

port fxo 0 0
flash-hook-duration 50
use profile fxo us
caller-id format bell
encapsulation cc-fxo
bind interface IF_FXO0 switch
no shutdown

port fxo 0 1
flash-hook-duration 50
use profile fxo us
caller-id format bell
encapsulation cc-fxo
bind interface IF_FXO1 switch
no shutdown

port fxo 0 2
flash-hook-duration 50
use profile fxo us
caller-id format bell
encapsulation cc-fxo
bind interface IF_FXO2 switch
no shutdown

port fxo 0 3
flash-hook-duration 50
use profile fxo us
caller-id format bell
encapsulation cc-fxo
bind interface IF_FXO3 switch
no shutdown