4.6 FAQ Questions
- What is the current Polycom Firmware supported in sipXecs?
New features in 4.6 allow sipxecs to manage Polycom phones with three different Firmware versions. For newer phones, including the VVX500 and VVX600, firmware version 4.1.3 split is the lastest as of this writing. It includes support for the new cameras. Legacy phones are supported with firmware version 3.1.3, while the rest of the phones such as the SPIP335, 450, 650, 670 are supported with 4.0.3F or earlier releases.
- How do I reset/clear all sipx configurations and start from Scratch
From the Linux command line, run "/etc/init.d/sipxconfig db drop", "mongodb-repair --obliterate" and then "sipxecs-setup --reset-all"