This documents how to build your own ISO, complete with custom kickstart (system default configuration), set of RPM and splash screens.
Step 1. Obtain the sipXiso project
git clone git://
Step 2. Download base CentOS RPMS.
Download the first CD ISO image from the CentOS operating system for 32 and/or 64 bit. Mirror lists are here
Put the ISOs into a single directory and do not rename them, In this example we'll use ~/downloads/centos
Step 3. Download or build sipXecs RPMS
Obtain a copy of all the RPMs needed to install sipXecs including the rpms built from the ./lib directory such as ruby-postgres, sipx-freeswitch, etc. into a directory. It can be organized anyway you want, in fact it can be a directory that also acts as a yum repository. For this example, we'll put these into ~/build/sipxecs
Step 4. Configure
Run the standard script to setup the configuration script
autoreconf -if
Then run configure pointing to your CentOS ISO and sipXecs rpms. In our example this will be.
./configure ISO_DIR=~/downloads/centos REPO_DIR=~/build/sipxecs
Step 5. Build
Now build ISO. *NOTE: Unfortunately the make process needs to mount the ISO and only root can do that, so you have to run this with root privileges
sudo make all
if you want to just build the 32 bit or the 64 bit ISO, you can run "make all-32" or "make all-64" respectively.
Step 6. Contribute
If you have can changes you'd like to submit back, please post on sipx-dev mailing list.
Additional Information
You don't have to customize your CD, If you don't you'll produce the standard SIPfoundry ISO. If you do decide to customize, then to create you're own spash screen or kickstart file, create a separate directory with these files and configure your build to use this directory. For example ./configure ... OEM_DIR=~/work/ezuce
Contents of ~/work/ezuce - override various make variables used to create the ISO. See for a list of all the variables you could override. Here is an example
SPLASH_FILE = <at:var at:name="OEM_DIR" />/splash.lss ISO_LABEL ?= ezuce VOLUME_LABEL ?= "ezuce <at:var at:name="PACKAGE_VERSION" />" APPLICATION_LABEL ?= "ezuce <at:var at:name="PACKAGE_VERSION" />" PUBLISHER_ID ?= PREPARERER_ID ?=
oem.m4 - Contains M4 macros that you can use to extend the kickstart file. Look in ks.m4 for an idea of the hooks that are currently in place you can alter. Here is an example
define(`sipx_packages', sipx_packages() ezuce ) define(`welcome_message', Welcome to eZuce ============================= First time logon: user = root password = setup ) define(`repo_contents', [ezuce] name=ezuce CentOS \$releasever - \$basearch baseurl=\$releasever/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 )
splash.lss - this is a graphic that is the initial splash screen and is in a format that is not well supported, but google around for how to edit this file on your OS.