Step 1. Follow each of the Before pre-install instructions starting with the version you currently have installed. Then come back to this step and continue. So if you currently have version 4.0.4 installed, you want to start with the instructions for 4.0.4 and then proceed to the end of the pre-install instructions for each version.
Table of Contents | ||
Step 2. Visit download area and decide what version is right for you based on the version numbers. Find the link to the file that ends in .repo
and right click in your web browser and copy the link.
Then in a root window on the system you wish to upgrade run
Code Block |
wget -oO /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo <URL to repo file here> |
Code Block |
wget -oO /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo http://download.sipfoundry.org/pub/sipXecs/sipxecs- |
Step 3. Shutdown sipxecs and update your system.
Code Block |
service sipxecs stop yum update -y |
It's good to let your system update all it's packages because
- The binaries were probably built with the latest packages
- If ever you needed to update a package for security reasons, you'd want to minimize the changes to your system
- It's often a requirement for getting assistance on mailing list
- If you do have any problems, most likely others will see the problem as well and provide a quick solution to your issue.
If you have multiple systems in a cluster (all managed by one Management server), upgrade all the systems as above
reboot (management system first).
Log in to the the management UI, go to System -> Servers
, select the management server, and press Send Profiles
Reboot each distributed server, and when it is up select it on the servers page and press Send Profiles
Step 4. Follow each of the Before post-install instructions starting with the version you currently have installed. Then come back to this step and continue.
Table of Contents | ||
- Step 5.* Start your system back up.
Code Block service sipxecs start
Before upgrading from 3.10.x
No special instructions
After upgrading to 4.4.0
No special instructionsIf you wish to install OpenACD run
Code Block |
yum install -y sipxopenacd
chkconfig --add mongod
chkconfig mongod on
service mongod start
If you wish to install support for audiocodes HD phones
Code Block |
yum install sipxaudiocodes