Important - The Spectralink 8020 does not work properly with sipXecs.
I am leaving the documentation below in case Polycom resolves the issue or someone else wants to pick up this effort. Polycom resolved many of the issues that did exist between sipXecs and the 8020, but they introduced a new one. The phone now drops external calls at 1 minute and IVR calls at 30 seconds. I have quite working with those and moved to the 8400 line of phones. They runt he Soundpoint firmware and work flawlessly. If someone thinks it is appropriate to modify this article or delete it altogether, please do. -Matthew Kitchin 9/7/11
Spectralink 8020 wifi phones are full featured native SIP/WiFi devices that work well with Sipx. Sipx 4.2.1 and later require a version of 8020 firmware that as of 5/19/11 is not available without out calling Polycom support. It will then be provided free of charge. They want to track who all is using, but do plan to make it publicly available with their next firmware release.