The User Menu
In sipXecs, the persons using the phone system are called “users”. In most cases, they are identified by a phone number (but you could also use other names if you are calling from computer to computer for example instead of using “normal” phones).
There are 4 options on this menu:
User Groups
Extension Pool
TLS Peers
Users and User Groups are used to configure settings for users and groups. Before we cover this in more detail, let’s explain the last two options, as they are not as frequently used.
The Extension Pool option simply defines what phone numbers (i.e. user identities) are available in the system. This helps mostly if you enter many numbers one by one to assign numbers to the next user automatically. (Even if you define your numbers here, you can actually still create users outside this range.)
As the screens for group settings are identical to the screens of individual users, we will explain the settings here for individuals.
The first screen (Identification) is identical to the entry screen for a new user explained above.
Apart from this screen, the only ones you normally need to change any settings are:
Time Zone
Music on Hold
In the Time Zone screen, you control what time the phone will display. If any branches are configured, they will have already a time zone set, and by default, this zone is used. It can however be overridden here, and you can set a specific time zone.
Permissions controls what the user is allowed to do, related to what type of calls he can place.
Disabling the voice mail permission removes the voicemail box from that user. If voicemail is enabled, every call which is unanswered (also internal calls) will go to voicemail.
To avoid users placing international calls without using pin codes, disable the International Calling permission. This forces the users to dial a pin code before they can dial out for external calls. The authorization code feature (pin codes) give the user additional permissions, and so he can then dial out.
Music on Hold
You can select specific Music on Hold for that specific user.
Provide files in MP3 format or WAV format, click the Browse button to select and upload them.
These files will be played when this user is placing someone on hold. This is typically occurring when transferring calls, parking calls, or in a conference.
Here is a short overview of the remaining setting screens.
Unified Messaging
You can set voicemail configuration options here. The system can send e-mails with voice mails for example or other notifications. One can also configure incoming telefax traffic which then would be forwarded as PDF file to the user’s e-mail.
Contact Information
This edits address and other details of the user.
If you want sipXecs automatically configure phone settings for you, the phone belonging to a user need to be entered here. You can enter multiple phones per user.
Call Forwarding
Configures automatic call forwarding (i.e. what should happen if an the user does not pick up his phone). You could configure here that a call to his mobile phone gets placed automatically if he does not take a call in his office. You could also configure that both his mobile and office phone ring at the same time on any call.
Sets times and days where the user is allowed to use the system.
Speed Dial
You can set speed dial numbers here. If your phone supports it, speed dials on the phone can automatically be updated from those settings.
Personal Auto-Attendant
This is sort of an answer machine with configurable options like “press 1 to call Reception” etc, specifically configured for that specific user.
sipXecs has its own conference system built in. You can create special conference phone numbers for a user. He is then the owner of that conference. Calling that number means you are participating to a conference. You can then invite other users or external callers into the conference. This can be controlled from the sipXecs user interface, or from a phone. We cover conferences in detail in the Advanced section of the manual.
This shows information about when the phone was registered with sipXecs and the status of the registration. Every phone must register with the server. Registered phones are operational and ready to make and receive calls.
Caller ID
This sets the number which receivers of outbound calls will see on their phones.
However, this caller-ID is often set by gateways and other devices on the phone network as well, overriding any setting you would put here.
Specify a user domain name here. In most cases, this should be left empty and the default system setting is used here.
Instant Messaging
You can use sipXecs to send instant messaging communication between users. This works only if the devices they use support this. This is often not the case for desk phones, but most soft-phones can handle it.
User Groups
Users can be placed into groups which can help finding a specific user, for example separated by department. This can also help configuring settings for a whole group at a time instead of having to configure user by user.
Clicking on the Users Group option brings up above display of the existing groups. You can add a new group by clicking on the Add Group link, and you can then enter a group name, description and optionally which branch the group belongs to.