Versions Compared


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Step 1. Follow each of the pre-install instructions starting with the version you currently have installed. Then come back to this step and continue. So if you currently have version 4.0.4 installed, you want to start with the instructions for 4.0.4 and then proceed to the end of the pre-install instructions for each version.

Table of Contents

Step 2. Visit download area and decide what version is right for you based on the version numbers. Find the link to the file that ends in .repo and right click in your web browser and copy the link.

Then in a root window on the system you wish to upgrade run

Code Block
  wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo  <URL to repo file here>


Code Block
  wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo

Step 3. Shutdown sipxecs and update your system.

Code Block

service sipxecs stop
yum update -y


Step 4. Follow each of the post-install instructions starting with the version you currently have installed. Then come back to this step and continue.

Table of Contents

Step 5. Start your system back up.

Code Block

service sipxecs start

Complete. if you are upgrading a clustered system, see the Notes section at the top of this document for upgrading each slave node.


Rename your repo file:

Code Block

ls \-l /etc/yum.repos.d

If you do not have a CentOS-Base.repo or other repos in there, it's OK, this will probably fix a lot, just hold on.

Code Block

mv sipxecs-stable-centos.repo CentOS-Base.repo


Code Block
titleRemove from CentOS-Base.repo

name=SIPfoundry sipXecs pbx - latest stable version


Remove the old repo file:

Code Block

rm /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo

Before upgrading from 4.4.0

No special instructionsVersion 4.4.0 is available on CentOS 5 but not CentOS 6.  Version 4.6.0 is available on CentOS 6 but not CentOS 5.  Therefore you must make a backup your 4.4.0 system, then install a fresh 4.6.0 system, then restore your 4.4 backups by uploading them from the "Restore" web page.  I would strongly suggest you test the this process in a lab to reduce the change you will encounter any problems when upgrading the real system as it will be time consuming to revert back.  For example, a VMWare virtual machine would be fine or any virtual environment just to ensure restore goes smoothly.  The test machine does not have to have same IP address as the original machine as was the case in prior versions.

After upgrading from 3.10.x

The DHCP 120 test will fail if you are using the on board DHCP server. To correct this you need to add the following to the /etc/dhcpd.conf and restart dhcpd (service dhcpd restart). This is not required if you aren't using the Counterpath Enterprise Clients.

Code Block

# header section of dhcpd.conf
option sip-servers-name code 120 = text;

# subnet section of dhcpd.conf
option sip-servers-name      "<hostname>:12000/cmcprov/login";



If you have voicemail messages from the old version, let's say <=4.0.X, you might hit the XX-9461
A quick fix for that is:

Code Block

# fix all bad messages 
export TZONE=`date +%Z` 
find /var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/ -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i "s|\([AP]M\)\s\+</timestamp>|\1 ${TZONE}</timestamp>|g" {} \; 


If you wish to install OpenACD run

Code Block

yum install -y sipxopenacd
chkconfig --add mongod
chkconfig mongod on
service mongod start

If you wish to install support for audiocodes HD phones

Code Block

yum install sipxaudiocodes