Supported Models And FeaturesKarel NT Series Phones are supported as plug & play managed devices with all their parameters and lines. NT Series are Karel's new SIP Phones. They support up to 6 channels and offer various voice codecs and full duplex echo cancellar. NT Series PhonesThe NT32I Phone is commercially available. The NT42I Phone is scheduled to be on the market by Q4 2010. NT32I PhonesThe NT32I is the first among NT series phones. The Features and Specifications are given below. * xecsuser:Manual 32I (Turkish) NT42I Phones
The NT42I is Karel's newest SIP phone. It is very similar in terms of features and functionality as compared to the NT32I series phones, however, the NT42I supports enhanced display functionalities; How to start Karel Phones from the scratchWhen the Phone is in its factory defaults one can follow the steps below in order to perform an automated plug & play configuration. 1) From the sipXecs ConfigServer administration web UI; -- click on Devices -> Phones and then select one of the Karel Phones from the Add new phone... drop-down box. 2) Enter the network settings thru Phone keypad; assign static IP, Mask, etc. 4) Power on the phone and it retrieves the confgiuration file from sipXecs tftproot, and it registers itself to sipXecs. Known Issues / Configuration NotessipXecs 4.0.x - Firmware ?? sipXecs 3.10.x - Firmware ??
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