h1. SIPfoundry sipXecs IP PBX - The Open Source SIP PBX for Your Enterprise

!SipXecs_IP_PBX_Unified_Communications - new.PNG|align=center!

sipXecs is a modular scalable communications solution for enterprises of all sizes.  It provides a highly available SIP routing core integrated with a growing suite of communications services all managed through a unified web based management application.  sipXecs provides PBX telephony services integrated with instant messaging, and allows the use of advanced communications tools like video calling.

The sipXecs IP PBX is a native SIP based solution that offers all the typical features expected from a PBX, including voicemail, unified messaging, auto-attendant, conferencing, presence and call center capabilities. The sipXecs IP PBX can be deployed on a single server for smaller installations or as a distributed and optionally redundant system for larger deployments. It's Web Services (SOA) based management and configuration system allows centralized management of a distributed system and offers plug & play configuration for all phones and gateways.

The sipXecs IP PBX developer community is strong and growing. The sipXecs IP PBX has built kind of a reputation for being easy to use, scalable and of high quality. In addition, sipXecs IP PBX is a *unified communications solution*, not just an IP PBX. It runs on the Linux operating system, is available for x86 and PowerPC, for 32 bit as well as 64 bit operating systems.

The sipXecs IP PBX project was started in 2004 based on an initial significant code contribution from Pingtel Corp. The first open source release was 2.8 and the first release that provided a functional IP PBX was 3.0 released at the end of 2005. Subsequent releases 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.10 provided significant improvements and many new features. Release 4.0 was made public in May 2009 and is the first release that allows creation of a fully distributed, centrally managed IP PBX system.

The sipXecs IP PBX effort aims at providing a fully capable open source unified communications solution for the mid-enterprise market. The mid-enterprise market ranges from a few hundred users to several ten thousand users, typically located in different buildings, locations or countries. [Amazon.com has been an early user of sipXecs worldwide|http://blog.tmcnet.com/blog/rich-tehrani/open-source/open-source-communications-and-sip-come-to-amazoncom.html]. Currently (2009), Amazon.com uses sipXecs worldwide for over 6,000 employees. sipXecs, of course, can also be used for much smaller deployments. It's easy to setup and use.

h2. Documentation

This shows the relationship of the different [spaces|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Working+with+Spaces+Overview|What is a space? follow to the Confluence wiki documentation of spaces] of the sipXecs wiki:

digraph {
node [shape=rect];

sipxecs [label="sipXecs",
         tooltip="General information regarding the project"
xecsuser [label="sipXecs User Docs",
          tooltip="User and Administration documentation not specific to any particular version"
xecsdev  [label="sipXecs Developer Docs",
          tooltip="How to develop code and internal design documents"
xecsuserv4r0 [label="sipXecs V4.0 User Docs",
              tooltip="User and Administration documentation for the latest stable version: 4.0"];
xecsuserv4r2 [label="sipXecs V4.2 (unstable) User Docs",
              tooltip="User and Administration documentation for the version under development: 4.2"
sipxecs -> xecsuser;
sipxecs -> xecsdev;
xecsuser -> xecsuserv4r0;
xecsuser -> xecsuserv4r2;

h3. sipXecs wiki organization

* *sipxecs*: *Project level documentation* \- how the project is run, our license, links to other projects, who the people are, etc.
* [User Docs|xecsuser:]: *User documentation not tied to a particular version* \- general concept documentation for IP, VoIP, networking advice, links to compatible products and services...
** [Version 4.0 User Docs|xecsuserv4r0:]: User documentation on the current production-quality release: 4.0
** [Draft 4.2 User Docs|xecsuserv4r2:]: User documentation on the release in development
* [Developer Docs|xecsdev:]: internal design documentation for developers and the terminally curious.

* [Old Wiki|oldxx:]: content ported from the old wiki but not yet moved to into the new organization

h2. Read And Participate

*Mailing Lists:* [sipX-users|https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipx-users], [Archive|http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/], [Gmane|http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.telephony.pbx.sipfoundry.general]

*Mailing Lists:* [sipX-dev|https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipx-dev], [Archive|http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-dev/], [Gmane|http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.voip.sipx.devel]

*Mailing Lists:* [sipXecs-commit|https://list.sipfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/sipxecs-commit], [Archive|http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipxecs-commit/]

[Create a wiki account|http://track.sipfoundry.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa]

[Binary Distributions|http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/The_sipXecs_IP_PBX_on_Different_Platforms#Binary_Distributions]

*Bug & Issue Tracker:* [SIPfoundry Issue Tracker|http://track.sipfoundry.org/] ... but before reporting an issue, see [How to report a problem with sipXecs|sipXecs:How to report a problem or request a feature]

*Useful Links:* [Useful Links|sipXecs:Useful Links]
 *IRC Channel:* you can find some of the developers and users on irc, [#sipx on irc.freenode.net|irc://irc.freenode.net/sipx]. Here is a [list of IRC Clients|http://www.irc.org/links.html], if you don't have one already.
Get the book\!{align}