Install Netbeans
If you are in Fedora 13 or higher you can install netbeans through yum
sudo yum install netbeans
If netbeans is not packaged in your current operating system you may download the netbeans binary installer from their site
Make sure you download the package that includes all language plugins. sipXecs is written mostly in Java and C++. If you will be working with scrips in sipXecs you will find Netbeans Ruby handy as well. After downloading, simply execute the script installer.
chmod +x ./ sudo ./ netbeans
Preparing sipXecs for Netbeans
Make sure you have downloaded the latest sipXecs code from github and its dependencies. If not follow the instructions from these links:
Creating the sipXecs Netbeans Workspace
Launch netbeans. If you are on Fedora, it should be in your applications menu under Programming/Netbeans. You may also simply type `netbeans` in the command line.
On the main menu, click on File/New Project. The new Project Wizard should appear.