A new 4.2 sipxecs feature is the ability to import contacts from Google Accounts. This can be done from both admin and user portal - admin can import contacts in a public phonebook (shared by multiple users within an user group) while a regular user can import contacts only to his/her private phonebook.
There are some prerequisites needed in order to use Google Account import feature:
- if running sipXconfig from behind a proxy without authentication, the admin should make sure that the ports are accessible
- Verisign Class 3 CA should be imported in sipXconfig trusted store (so sipXconfig to recognize CA ). This can be accomplished either within sipXconfig (recommended) or using JDK's keytool utility
- import certificate within sipXconfig: navigate to System > Certificates > Certificate Authorities tab. Download attached verisignclass3ca.crt file and use it for upload in "Certificate" field. After importing the certificate, it gets validated and a screen like the one below is displayed:
After the "Keep" button is accessed, Verisign Class 3 CA is added in sipXconfig and displayed in sipXconfig known CA's list. You will also be prompted to restart config service and registrar in order for the newly imported CA to be picked up.
- import certificate using keytool utility: one can directly use keytool utility to import the attached verisignclass3ca.cer certificate
keytool -importcert -alias equifaxsecureca -file verisignclass3ca.cer \ -trustcacerts -store-type jks -keystore $SIPX-INSTALL/etc/sipxpbx/ssl/authorities.jks \ -storepass changeit
Importing from admin portal:
Importing from user portal:
Still to come...
- decide if sipXconfig trusted store should contain Verisign Class 3 CA by default (and not to require additional admin work for importing it)