- User name
- Voice-mail PIN
- SIP password
- First name
- Last name
- User alias
- EMail address
- User group
- Phone serial number
- Phone model
- Phone group
- Phone description
- Im Id
- Job Title
- Job department
- Company name
- Assistant name
- Cell phone number
- Home phone number
- Assistant phone number
- Fax number
- Alternate email
- Alternate im
- Location
- Home street
- Home city
- Home state
- Home country
- Home zip
- Office street
- Office city
- Office state
- Office country
- Office zip
- Did number
- Office mail stop
- Active greeting - it has one of the following values: "none", "standard", "outofoffice", "extendedabsence" which means Default system greeting, Standard, Out of office and Extended absence
- Email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0", "1", "2" which means NO, YES and IMAPmeans 'No notification', 'E-mail notification' and 'Synchronize with the IMAP server'
- Email format - it has one of the following values: "FULL", "MEDIUM", "BRIEF"
- Email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Alternate email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0", "1", "2" which means NO, YES and IMAPmeans 'No notification', 'E-mail notification' and 'Synchronize with the IMAP server'
- Alternate email format - it has one of the following values: FULL, MEDIUM, BRIEF
- Alternate email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Internal Voicemail Server - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false" which means Internal Voicemail Server/Microsoft Exchange UM Voicemail Server
- Caller ID - externally visible user Caller ID
- Block Caller ID - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Additional phone settings - it contains MicroBrowser settings for Polycom phones and it has the following form: "setting_name1=setting_value1,setting_name2=setting_value2,..".
The following settings are supported: mb/proxy, mb/idleDisplay/home, mb/idleDisplay/refresh, mb/main/home, mb/main/idleTimeout, mb/main/statusbar, mb/limits/nodes, mb/limits/cache - Additional line settings - it contains the text label which appear on the Polycom's display adjacent to the associated line key and it has the following form: "reg/label=your_text_label"
v4.6 Version 4.6 added new columns in the CSV file as follows (in the listed order):
- User name
- Voicemail PIN
- SIP password
- First name
- Last name
- User alias
- EMail address
- User group
- Phone serial number
- Phone model
- Phone group
- Phone description
- Im Id
- Salutation
- Manager
- EmployeeId
- Job Title
- Job department
- Company name
- Assistant name
- Cell phone number
- Home phone number
- Assistant phone number
- Fax number
- Did number
- Alternate email
- Alternate im
- Location
- Home street
- Home city
- Home state
- Home country
- Home zip
- Office street
- Office city
- Office state
- Office country
- Office zip
- Office mail stop
- Active greeting - it has one of the following values: "none", "standard", "outofoffice", "extendedabsence" which means Default system greeting, Standard, Out of office and Extended absence
- Email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0"/"1"which means 'No notification'/'E-mail notification'
- Email format - it has one of the following values: "FULL", "MEDIUM", "BRIEF"
- Email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Alternate email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0"/"1"which means 'No notification'/'E-mail notification'
- Alternate email format - it has one of the following values: FULL, MEDIUM, BRIEF
- Alternate email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Internal Voicemail Server - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false" which means Internal Voicemail Server/Microsoft Exchange UM Voicemail Server
- Caller ID - externally visible user Caller ID
- Block Caller ID - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Additional phone settings - it contains MicroBrowser settings for Polycom phones and it has the following form: "setting_name1=setting_value1,setting_name2=setting_value2,..".
The following settings are supported: mb/proxy, mb/idleDisplay/home, mb/idleDisplay/refresh, mb/main/home, mb/main/idleTimeout, mb/main/statusbar, mb/limits/nodes, mb/limits/cache - Additional line settings - it contains the text label which appear on the Polycom's display adjacent to the associated line key and it has the following form: "reg/label=your_text_label"
Valid Manufacturer / Model Combinations