V.4.6 Update 6 - DHCP is stopped during Installation of secondary servers, setup fails.
From CLI - run ntpdate -u against your DNS Server.
From CLI - run date - confirm date is now correct.
From CLI - rerun sipxecs-setup and re-enter your server setup. It should now complete setup.
V.4.6 Update 7 - DHCP - Stops working. Starts and then stops. (Courtesy of Doug Hubler and George Niculae)
Workarounds --
Option 1: *every* time you reboot sipxecs, ssh into machine and restart sipxecs
service sipxecs restart
Option 2: Edit /usr/share/sipxecs/cfmodules/sipx and change "route" to "/usr/binsbin/route"
Option 3: Wait for update #8
V.4.6 Update 7 to V.4.6 Update 9 – Error when running yum update - "Error: Package: pymongo-2.4.2-1.el6.x86_64 (@sipXecs)"
run from Command Line - "rpm -e --nodeps pymongo"