- In the Web Interface click on Admin Login -> Advanced -> Provisioning Tab
- Change the Profile Rule to read: /spa$MA.cfg
Multi-line appearance
- To have multiple appearances of the same line on a given phone, go to Devices/phones and select the phone to add the feature to.
- Under Phone Settings/Phone modify the Extension number. Each defaults to their onwn number. To have line 1 appear on buttons 1, 2, 3, change Extension numbers 2 and 3 to have the number 1 in them. This will put line one in the first three line positions, and calls will hunt from 1 - 2 - 3 when lines are in use.
Known Issues
Call Pickup from Park Orbit
- Documented in: http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XCF-2415
- MOH Setting not set by default.
- MWI Setting not set by default.
- Phone User not set
Useful Links - Configuring MOH and MWI settings for Linksys SPA phones
MWI Setting
- Go into the Admin -> Advanced -> EXT1 setting on each phone and setting Voice Mail Server to be ext@sip.domain.