Dynamic Conference Controls
Conference Chat Room
If Instant Messaging role is enabled every voice conference will have an associated chat room. The name of the chat room is the same as the name of the conference.
Checking Status
Once configuration settings are applied, sipXconfig publishes this information to FreeSWITCH in about 1 minute. Select "Job Status" from the "Diagnostics" menu to view status:
You should see 4 completed operations (shown above).
File replication: conference_admission.xml
The admission dataset includes the conference declarations and PIN information. This is stored in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/default_context.xml
File replication: conference_configuration.xml
The configuration dataset includes all of the DTMF sequences defined under the advance bridge settings and audio prompts (not yet configurable via sipXconfig) and is stored in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/conference.conf.xml
Data replication: alias
Aliases are updated to include the conference extension to FreeSWITCH mapping.
FreeSWITCH reload configuration