Every use can use his / her user configuration portal to configure speed dial and BLF presence functionality. The user can easily make changes at any time. The sipXecs system automatically updates the phone's configuration profile with the new speed dial and BLF information. The phone is then remotely restarted automatically to pick-up the new configuration information.
Each device will also be required to register itself with a Subscription server to enable presence. Within the Admin Web interface, edit the device's BLF properties.
For the Subscription URL field, a default value should be displayed next to the field. That value should be '(Default: sip:~rl~C~xxx@sipdomain.tld), where 'xxx' is replaced with your extension, and 'sipdomain.tld' is replaced with your SIP domain. Copy and paste the '~rl~C~xxx@sipdomain.tld' entry in the default hint into the Subscription URL field.
The Subscription Server dropdown value should be 'Primary Registration Server' unless you have needs to insert a different value.
For Polycom phones, after changing this value you will need to Send the Profile and Restart the phone.