When the Phone is in its factory defaults one can follow the steps below in order to perform an automated plug & play registrtaion registration to sipXecs and its own auto configuration.
1) From the sipXecs ConfigServer administration web UI;
-- click on Devices -> Phones and then select one of the Karel IP11x Phones from the Add new phone... drop-down box.
-- create a phone with MAC address in the "Serial number" edit box.
-- then add line to the phone and edit the setting parameters,
-- in Devices -> Phones place a check mark next to the newly created phone and click on the "Send Profiles" button.
2) Check that phone MAC address is DHCP registered.
3) Plug the phone into the LAN, and then power it on. It automatically registers itself to sipXecs and retrieves the confgiuration file from sipXecs tftproot, .