Adding new alarms
- To add a new alarm, add :
- Add a new section into the appropriate xml file in sipXsupervisor/etc/, with a new alarm id.
- Add the description and resolution strings in the appropriate*-strings.xml file in sipXsupervisor/meta/alarms/. Normally there is no need to create new files; however if adding an optional package it might be desirable to capture the alarms in separate files.
- The alarm id is a required field, and can be any unique string. This string is only used internally.
- The alarm code is specified in the config file (e.g. sipXsupervisor/etc/sipXalarms-config.xml). New alarms should be added at the end of the appropriate file, and the code should follow the naming pattern for that file (e.g. SIPXnnnnn, incremented for each new alarm).
- Interfaces are provided for Java and C++ code to call to generate alarms. There are only two parameters: the unique internal ID and the parameter string (or list of strings).
- For C++, there is a static function raiseAlarm(alarmId, alarmParams). See sipXsupervisor/src/SipxProcess.cpp for an example (sample C++ update that adds an alarm ).
- For sipXconfig (Java), the object should inject an AlarmContext, then call AlarmContext.raiseAlarm(alarmId, alarmParams...). See sipXconfig/neoconf/src/org/sipfoundry/sipxconfig/login/LoginContextImpl.java for an example. Other
- For other Java processes should , use the SipXAlarmClient in sipXcommons to send xmlrpc to the Alarm Server on the localhost (see sipxbridge/Gateway.java for an example) ().
- Many alarm conditions are detected by the various scripts used by sipx. A script sipx-alarm exists to use the xml-rpc interface to report alarms. Note however that the script can only be used once sipxsupervisor is up and running. See sipXtools/src/sipx-mrtg-threshok.in for an example.