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Tips on how to configure Eclipse to contribute to sipXconfig project.


If you are building sipXecs older than 4.5, look at this page's history for any specific details.

General Remarks

You should feel free to use whatever developement environment suits your needs. If you happen to use NetBeans, emacs or anything else please share your experience. Let us know if you would like to keep configuration files for your environment in sipXconfig subversion repository.


  1. Go to Windows->Preference screen
  2. Select Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables and add the following

SIPX_SRC_TOPSRCDIR=path to top source directory
SIPX_BUILD_TOPBUILDDIR=path to top build directory

If you are working on sipXconfig 4.0 or earlier you also need:


SIPX_CONFIGJAVADIR=path to sipXconfig directory - SIPX_SRC_TOP/sipXconfig
SIPX_COMMONS=path to sipXcommons directory - SIPX_SRC_TOP/sipXcommons
SIPX_BUILD=path to sipXconfig build output - SIPX_BUILD_TOP/sipXconfig


the share/java directory where you install sipxecs. Example: /usr/local/sipx/share/java
LIBSRC=path where you want to store source code for all the dependencies. Not required, but very useful for stepping through code. Example: /home/dhubler/libsrc

You need a separate Eclipse workspace for each Eclipse branchsource code directory, since each branch will have a different SIPX_SRC_TOP setting.


JAVA_LIBDIR=path to the default jar installation directory

On most systems it will be: /usr/share/java. If your distribution is using jpackage-utils to install java packages you can probably find the proper value for this property by running:


grep JAVA_LIBDIR /etc/java/java.conf

If you have source code for Tapestry, Spring, and other modules, then set the LIB_SRC variable to point to the parent directory of the directory in which sources are kept, for example:



Providing this variable makes it easy to step through the source in Eclipse.

SRCDIR setting.

Classpath variables used in other projects:

SIPX_PREFIX=path to top install directory

OPENFIRE-ROOT=path to openfire root (usually /opt/openfire)


  • go to File->Import...
  • select General->Existing Project into Workspace
  • browse for your sipXconfig sipXecs source code directory (the same as set in SIPX_CONFIG SRCDIR property above) and press OK
  • Eclipse 3.1 will find all sipXconfig eclipse projects (neoconf, web, profilegenerator etc.), older versions of Eclipse will prompt you for each project separatelypress Select All, and , select only the project you think you'll need. You will almost alway need sipXcommons project because most project will require that project to be loaded.
  • press Finish

All projects are automatically compiled in background. You are ready to go.


Please see this document for more details.

Eclipse on Gentoo


