sipXecs 14.10 Release
Improve DNS Alarming
Implement Custom DNS changes and fix issues with current implementation.
DNS Advisor
DNS Advisor is broken and we also need to make it work with Regions.
( http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-11006 )
Park Orbit Service Replacement
Move Park orbits from old service to FreeSwitch and make HA. Needed for scalability and virtualization. SSS needs to accommodate BLF for park orbit so it might make sense to get this done before work on SSS begins for this feature. (http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-8473)
System Audit
Track config system changes.
( http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-9535 )
Voicemail to eMail Template
XX-10035 Voicemail to email template should allow custom url that can direct to a user mailbox
Work on various sipXcallqueue issues.
End User Portal
Continue to add functionality envisioned for new User Portal.
Work on various sipXcallqueue issues.
We're considering combining sipXecs and eZuce wiki’s for a single documentation portal. This would allow for consistent quality documentation. We need to work out how to link back to community created content.