Only the user name and the phone serial number are mandatory fields. You can leave the remaining fields empty, in which case sipXconfig will not overwrite their values. However, the column layout of the spreadsheet file has to be maintained.
v4.4 Version 4.4 added new columns in the CSV file as follows (in the listed order):
- User name
- Voice-mail PIN
- SIP password
- First name
- Last name
- User alias
- EMail address
- User group
- Phone serial number
- Phone model
- Phone group
- Phone description
- Im Id
- Job Title
- Job department
- Company name
- Assistant name
- Cell phone number
- Home phone number
- Assistant phone number
- Fax number
- Alternate email
- Alternate im
- Location
- Home street
- Home city
- Home state
- Home country
- Home zip
- Office street
- Office city
- Office state
- Office country
- Office zip
- Did number
- Office mail stop
- Active greeting - it has one of the following values: "none", "standard", "outofoffice", "extendedabsence"
- Email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0", "1", "2" which means NO, YES and IMAP
- Email format - it has one of the following values: "FULL", "MEDIUM", "BRIEF"
- Email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Alternate email voicemail notification - it has one of the following values: "0", "1", "2" which means NO, YES and IMAP
- Alternate email format - it has one of the following values: FULL, MEDIUM, BRIEF
- Alternate email attach audio - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Internal Voicemail Server - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false" which means Internal Voicemail Server/Microsoft Exchange UM Voicemail Server
- Caller ID - externally visible user Caller ID
- Block Caller ID - it has one of the following values: "true"/"false"
- Additional phone settings - it contains MicroBrowser settings for Polycom phones and it has the following form: "setting_name1=setting_value1,setting_name2=setting_value2,..".
The following settings are supported: mb/proxy, mb/idleDisplay/home, mb/idleDisplay/refresh, mb/main/home, mb/main/idleTimeout, mb/main/statusbar, mb/limits/nodes, mb/limits/cache - Additional line settings - it contains the text label which appear on the Polycom's display adjacent to the associated line key and it has the following form: "reg/label=your_text_label"
Valid Manufacturer / Model Combinations