The idea is that you prepare the file in your favorite spreadsheet application (Open Office Calc, Excel, gnumeric etc.) and export it to a .csv file. Later you can upload the file and sipXconfig will create the users and phones for you. You can put phones in one or more groups, which helps if you want to configure common parameters for them.
v4.2 The CSV file has to have a title line (though the actual title strings don't matter) and the following columns (in the listed order):
- User name
- Voice-mail PIN
- SIP password
- First name
- Last name
- User alias
- User group
- Phone serial number
- Phone model
- Phone group
- Phone description
(NOTE: use this template http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/sipX/branches/3.6/sipXconfig/neoconf/test/org/sipfoundry/sipxconfig/bulk/csv/cutsheet.csv for for sipXconfig !Ver3Ver.64.png!2 and older.)
Each line from the imported file will result in the creation of a user with the phone assigned to that user (One line per device). If user group or phone group fields are not empty, the newly created user and phone will be added to the respective group. Groups will be created if they do not exist already.